Thursday, May 5, 2011

The case for Apple Apps

It took me a little bit of time to really understand the app world, but after helping develop a Financial App with, I fully acknowledged not only the app world but how this little programs are shaping internet in a new and more "clean" way.

I want to analize 4 contributing factors to the app success. First,  tablet trends, defineltly unless you are using your computer for work, everybody else will eventually change the desktop for the tablet. This is in itself the perfect software for the perfect hardware.

Second, the search fever will be in declined and people will choose their preferences in the app form. Instead of having a webpage, everybody will have and app  and they will belong to an app directory as well.

Third, as more information is availble, we will prefer the compressed, better curated content, apps have.

Last but not least, Internet has evolved to a point in which most of us felt behind it, but if you turn to the app world not only will catch up but be ahead. Internet is becoming more like "Times Square add bazar", apps provide a cleaner way of contact with people, adds will be limited due to space and searching will be replaced by indexes or directories that will provide rankings and will leave unusefuls sites out.

I think the case has been made.!

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