Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Twitter - 5 Year Anniversary

Twitter had its 5th yr anniversary.  Within the social media websites, I find this, the most useful, once you pass the  "learning curve" and adapt it to your necessities. One of the most valuable things, is being able to access some brains, on a one to one almost daily basis. For example Bill Gates, he twiits just once a week and what a twitt, always showing the best of human altruism, Jack Dorsey, very spontaneus and fresh, surprinsingly childlish. Bill Clinton, same as Bill Gates. Others , like  Brian Grazer,  just two twitts and sadly about partys, Dalai Lama needless to explain. I have followed many that had to unfollow because they use twitter as means of publicity,  are compulsive twitters or just do not say nothing. As this medium evolves many are "thinking before twiiting", having to say thoughts is 140 characters is challenging, but is  making people bring the best out of their brains..even if it does not look like it sometimes. As I twiit, I feel the responsibility of saying something of value in my field. Being able to choose who we hear, at this level, is a one in a lifetime opportunity people are having, As one friend will say "it makes me feel more intelligent and important!.."

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